The simple meaning of this idiom;

  • There are many matters, accidents & event happens in our life; which at first sight or from primary observation seems unfortunate,painful, sad, unexpected,unwanted, unpleasant BUT after some time the same event, the same accident, the same matter turn out as a blessing instead of curse; it’s called as a BLESSING IN DISGUISE.
  • Something good that isn’t recognized at first sight or primary observation; it’s called as a BLESSING IN DISGUISE.
  • Something that at first seems bad or unfortunate,but later on turns out to be most beneficial,most fruitful event of our life;it’s called as a BLESSING IN DISGUISE.
  • A misfortune or we may perceive as a misfortune that unexpectedly turns into good fortune or life changing or turning point of our life;it’s called as a BLESSING IN DISGUISE.
  • Something that seems bad,terrible,unlucky or inauspicious at first,but later on results in something good,fruitful or most rewarding later on;it’s called as a BLESSING IN DISGUISE.
  • We can say something is a BLESSING IN DISGUISE, if it appears to be bad at first, but it results in something very good in the end.



“As all of you know very well, I run this blog but I never-ever treated it as an exclusive my own blog but I always treated this blog as OUR BLOG, so, it’s not about me only but it’s always about all of us”.

“To maintain this spirit alive, I regularly publish some posts where we can share our stories with each other; because I firmly believe that your stories and your wisdom are as valuable as mine”.

So, today, I am publishing this post; which can not OR I cannot imagine to complete without all of you wonderful,talented, creative and amazing people.

“So, what I request to all of you; write one such event of your life in comment section which appeared bad at first but later on turned our good at the end”.


  • There is no hard and fast rules; you can write anything you want to write; keeping the title of subject BLESSING IN DISGUISE in mind without having any constrain in mind about ANY SPECIFIC WORD LIMIT OR SPECIFIC SPACE LIMIT; you can write as much as you wish.
  • But for those who need more guidance; these are the few topics or points upon which you can write.

UNEMPLOYMENT;During the time of unemployment of finding the job; you pursue some hobby or attended some classes or learned something and later on it opened vast world of unknown opportunities in front of you.

GETTING FIRED;Despite of your all the sincere efforts,commitments, dedication or hard-work you fired from your job and you find another most rewarding or dream job of your life, or started something small as your own business and now enjoying each and every moments of your life.

ILLNESS;During the time of small or major illness of yours or your near & dear one’s you found new meaning of life; spiritually,personally or professionally which entirely change your perception of life.

DUMPED BY YOUR EX;Despite of all your unconditional & unselfish love, enough caring & sharing, enough attentive towards that single person of life; with whom you have planned to spend your whole life and all of sudden; you are dumped by your EX(BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND) and you found someone more amazing and awesome and now; after sometime you realized that whatever happened was one of the most wonderful moment of your life.

CHANGE IN LIVING CONDITION;Your parents separated from each other and currently you are living as child of single parent and found new way of living your life.

CHANGE IN YOUR COMFORT ZONE;For further education you left your comfort zone and ventured in unknown territory; initially you were very reluctant to take the plunge but now you are enjoying each and every living moments of it.

DEATH OF YOUR FAMILY MEMBER, FRIEND OR YOUR FAVORITE PET;Initially, it was quiet hard to accept the realities but slowly and steadily you digested it and now you found some one who may not replace all the damage but at least it gives you some consolation.

MARITAL SEPARATION OR DIVORCE;Going through this situation of life or have gone through it and after entire experience it turn out as a one of the most relieving incident of your life.

You were absolutely in hurry and found closed off road and compulsory you had to take another route and found something amazing.

Unexpected delays of flights,bus or your usual mode of transportation delayed in it and due to it you found something absolutely amazing OR MISSED OPPORTUNITIES, SETBACKS-Which temporarily devastated you but in larger scheme of life turn out as a blessing of GOD.

So, friends, now on wards, try noticing some of your inconveniences or dig down in your past or look back on old ones, see the things or matters from different perspective and you will truly understand the meaning of BLESSING IN DISGUISE”.


Wishing you all the best………………………




  1. I had a boyfriend when I was in class 12.I thought I loved him and he was everything for me.I think most of the teens nowadays have this problem. After we passed high school he left me for someone else I was too sad those days. But then my class grades got better because I could focus completely on my studies and now when I think about it feel I fared better without him. I really know that it ws a blessing in disguise

    • Meloheart;
      First of all thanks a lot for your visit,reading and comment on this post.
      After reading your comment there were two reactions on my mind; GLAD & SAD.
      First of let me tell you why I am glad????
      I am glad that your boyfriend left you very early;since you are in your under twenty only so still you can recover from the early damage done by that boyfriend; suppose, If he might have left you at the adult years of your life the situations and circumstances might had been somewhat difficult for you; so, yes, it is truly blessing in disguise for you because whole life is in front of you so you can start it as a fresh beginning.
      Second; when he left you instead of becoming negative or devastated by situation you have reacted or responded in a most positive manner and started to pay maximum attention in your study and as you said you have started to perform fairly well in this area; so, this is also one of the positive out come of entire event.
      SO, above mention both the conclusion clearly mention that many a times many matters happens in our life but if we keep calm, cool and composed mind in stead of losing the faith in future; the future may be more brighter than what we think.
      AM I RIGHT?????????????????????

      • Meloheart;
        First of all I am extremely sorry for the late response of your this comment.
        Thanks a lot for your visit,reading and comment on this post.
        Your current status is bit complicated, don’t worry, this too shall pass.
        Isn’t it???????????????????????
        Wishing you all the best……………………….

  2. My first semester of college was a discouraging one to say the least. I got all A’s before this, but the numerous difficult courses I was taking as a college freshman began to overwhelm me. I was putting in all of the work and seeing no results. It actually crushed me. I even began to loathe my self. I had begun to associate my self worth with my academic performance. I had always been a Christian, but this was the first time I really had to lean on God. And if I had not had to lean on Him, I never would have discovered my true identity: his daughter. Priceless. Worthy of the death of God’s only son. The best part? I didn’t have to do anything to deserve it. My identity isn’t based on how high or low my gpa is, or what anyone says about me, or how good I am at this or that. It is solely in the knowledge that God loves me. If I hadn’t gone through that difficult time, I wouldn’t have realized that when I did. And thank you Jesus that I have!

    • Katie;
      First of all thanks a lot for your visit,reading and comment on this post.
      Your story is absolutely amazing and interesting like your own blog and your overall personality.
      I am extremely sorry to hear that at a particular point of time despite of your all the efforts your life especially educational life was not going well, but what a wonderful outcome the entire event has presented in front of you, you leaned towards GOD and found the true meaning of it and it has almost change your entire perception.
      And on the way you discovered your true identity!!!!!!!!!!
      Believe me, you are fortunate enough or almighty is much more kind enough to you that at a very early stage of your life you have discovered your true identity; otherwise in our daily life many a times we come across many people; those till death they can’t find what they are? what is the true meaning of their life??
      So, congratulation for finding your identity now just try to maintain it.
      It is always easy to be a part or one person of the CROWED but it is always difficult to remain away or aloof from crowed. Am I right??????????????????????
      Wishing you all the best……………………

  3. Lovely evocative post. I’ve already written about such an incident that happened in my Xth standard exams. I forgot to enter number of paper supplements , so I stayed back pleading with the exam supervisor to let me complete it. The ensuing delay led to an incident that gave me an epiphany. I snapped awake to the enigmatic chess moves of God and my teeny weeny existence within his plans. Here’s the link for the same:
    Hope you enjoy it. Thank you for dragging this post out of my archives.

  4. Dr.Sweety;
    First of all thanks a lot for your visit,reading and comment on this post.
    Currently, I am reading your this post and believe it is enjoyable post; so, instead of replying to your comment I am giving priority to read it.
    After reading it twice, I will comment on it.
    Thanks for your kind friendly gesture, I truly appreciate your friendly,co-operative and supportive nature; bloggers like you are truly blissful to the newbie like me.
    Wishing you all the best……………………….

  5. In the year 2003, l got sick on my job and almost died. I ended up becoming disabled unable to return back to work. Two weeks later my father was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and then two weeks later my mother became ill, leaving both of my parents needing round the clock care. Me not being able to return to work was a blessing in disguise in order for me to attend to the needs of my parents. My mother ended up dying later that year, and my father died the next year, so God gave me extra time to spend with both of my parents that l would not have received if l was working on a job.

    • Carla;
      First of all thanks a lot for your visit,reading and comment on this post.
      I truly appreciate your love towards GOD.
      I am extremely sorry to hear the precious loses you had and you have in your life; but, despite of all you have maintain the spirit of “whatever happens happens for good only” and above all going through all the rough patches of life still your attitude is example for many of us.
      Wishing you all the best………………………

  6. This is an amazing post!! Thank You for bringing my attention to it! I don’t always see all posts in my reader. One of my blessings in disguise is my case of severe depression. I struggled with depression for many years and suicidal tendencies not for any specific reason. It’s just something I have. I believe if I never experienced depression I would be happy now but I think my experience with depression helps me be even happier than I would have been without it. It provoked me to change for the better. I have become more mindful of the beauty around me and find ways to share with others, my empathy for others is deeper, I read lots of positive books, engage in mindfulness meditation, have a gratitude journal, a blog, a collection of inspiring quotes…all of these things can help people in general, not just those with depression. In my quest for healing my depression, I made my life better than it would have been without it. Thank You for this thought-provoking topic!! ❤ And for thinking of me!! 😀

    • Kim;
      First of all thanks a lot for your visit, reading and comment on this post.
      I am truly grateful to GOD that I have found some of the extra-ordinary friends from this blog and you are one of them; yes, it is always pleasant experience for me to visiting your sweet blog, reading your very very brilliant posts and communicating with you through the comment section of it.
      Do you know, you as well as my few more blogger friends are true source of inspiration for writing this post??????
      Yes, you will be surprised to know it, but it is realities, still, I remember the day when first time I visited your blog and read your “ABOUT” page and commented on it and still my comment is there.
      There were and are many traits of your personality attracted me towards you but out of all it is your background or clinical history of depression and how you reacted it compel me to bond the relationship with you.
      Yes, at a very early age of your life depression has become normal part of your life but the way you have accepted it, the way you handled it and not only that you have gone far beyond that and now in spite of being a patient of severe depression; through your blog, through your post, through your healing and sweet words, through your carefully selected quotations you are helping many people to come out from the depression.
      Your are leading from the front and without any high-figh drama, without shouting or screaming, without any stunt of publicity you are showing the path to many and giving the clear cut, loud message to all of us
      I salute your fighting spirit…..
      I salute your fight till finish attitude….
      I salute your spirit of life, no matter whatever happened or will happen but I will not be dominated by my situations and circumstances and in spite of all I will remain happy and healthy.
      I salute your love and affection towards others…..
      I salute your overall personality……
      You are born and tough fighter and I wish or rather pray to GOD throughout your life no matter whatever happens maintain that sprite alive because we don’t know when and how GOD wants us to serve his noble purpose through our actions or behaviors.
      Wishing you all the best from bottom of my heart to my gladiator or warrior friend……

      • Thank You so much!! You are so very thoughtful and I love reading your posts and your comments to me! I am so honored. I’m incredibly thankful we are blogging friends and that our paths crossed on here. I’m extremely thankful that I get to use WordPress as a place to connect with and help others. You are very inspiring and your writing is so well thought out and deep. It has so much substance and I am inspired by your words and ideas and I see that many others are too! Your comments here and your other ones to me are so encouraging and uplifting and deeply inspiring, as are your blog posts. My main reason for choosing to have a blog is not for me but to inspire anyone in any way I can. When I first created a blog account I hoped to meet others with similar goals and interests, uplifting others, and I’m very thankful to know of your blog where you do just that. Thank You so much & much love to you! ❤

    • Shruti;
      First of all thanks a lot for your visit, reading and comment on this post.
      I know very well now a days you are too busy with your professional life, but in spite of busy & tight schedule you have spared some time and commented here I am absolutely grateful to you.
      By the way, you are blogging since few years so if you have written any post similar to the subject of this topic, can you please share the link like DR. SWEETY did in above comments.
      Wishing you all the best………………..

  7. Blessings in disguise… I think we say in disguise because it is our nature to only see what is in front of us, but that is why faith makes all the difference. With faith we see that everything is used by a sovereign God to take us closer to where we need to be, and to walk the paths we need to walk to grow. Nehemiah 13:2 says, “Our God, however, turned the curse into a blessing.” In every moment, God brings His purposes to pass. Nothing can thwart His purpose and plan.

    • Gabriela;
      First of all thanks a lot for your visit,reading and comment on this post.
      I am truly grateful to you for your this wonderful friendly gesture.
      Yes, I am completely agree with you it is faith which takes us near to GOD?
      But at the initial stage your faith tested very well.
      Isn’t it??????????

  8. This is a great read for when we’re going through difficult times in our lives. Things always turn out for the best, even if in the moment, it doesn’t feel that way. It’s important for us to keep moving and know that we can get through those painful experiences.

    • Rebecca;
      First of all thanks a lot for your visit,reading and comment on this post.
      I am grateful to your for your this wonderful, cordial and very supportive friendly gesture.
      Yes, I truly agree with your view point, no matter how much rough patches we are facing but if we keep going on and try to wipe-out all the negative feelings from our mind regarding some of the worst event of our life, we can definitely move ahead; but, it is our tragedies that instead of looking ahead we always try to look back, instead of looking what we have, we always look back and most of the time we thought about what we lost, and it certainly does double harm to us, because, past is already gone and it was dark but we try to keep continue that darkness in our future too.
      So, if we minimize this tendency chances are that we can pass through this period in earliest possible time.
      AM I RIGHT????????????????????????
      Wishing you all the best……………

      • You’re welcome. I completely agree with you. We can’t change the past, so instead of looking back on it and wishing we could change it, looking at it from a more realistic mindset can help us to move on to better times.

  9. I had several moments myself in which I realised that what had happened were infact blessings in disguise. I didn’t do very well during my first year in Uni, at that point of time I was majoring in International Business. As I kept failing, I decided that enough was enough and decided to drop my major and concentrate on something else. I was counselled by my Dean as well as my friends and family regarding my decision and they all had supported me. I am now majoring in Media and Communications and am doing so much better! I guess, all that failing was a blessing in disguise for myself. I enjoyed reading your post on this idiom 🙂

    • Nabilah;
      First of all thanks a lot for your visit, reading and comment on this post.
      Do you know???????? how much I am happy to see your presence here?????????, because, we are following each other’s blog long back, as far as I know, since the time of blogging U course, but, in spite of all this long duration we have hardly communicated with each other on very deep level, in fact, from my end I did all, but unfortunately you were so busy with so many things in your life, but, today, you arrived here, it means, my long lost friend has arrived at my home.
      So, first of all you are most welcome and I wish more often you will visit here.
      Now, regarding your comment, there are two matter which truly attracted me, first, it is your experience during the time of exams, in which you failed for few times, but in this post only, if you read the comments of some of the bloggers you realized that many of them have gone through much more severe crisis than you in their life and despite all, they have maintained their fighting sprite and at last came out as a winner and now winning has become usual way of life for them.
      Second, I am very much glad to know that you are studying in Media and communication, so, believe me this is and this will be one of the most sought after course of 21st century so, I truly appreciate your choice of stream.
      Only one suggestion, being a student of Media and Communication, you need to be more and more people friendly and one way to develop this skill is visit various blogs, made some good friends and share your thoughts with them, initially, it will be somewhat difficult for you but once you will get used to it, you will enjoy it, because, every nook and corner of this cyber world you will find some amazing, talented, highly creative, supportive bloggers who will not hone your skill in your professional life but at the same time can be pillar support in the worst crisis of life in your personal life too.
      So, now onward, please do come regularly and do not hesitate to ask me any question, query or confusion, if possible I will help and guide you in best possible manner.
      Wishing you all the best…………………….

      • Yes, thanks for all the feedback. I have been busy with school for the best few months and have not found the time to come onto my blog. I wish you all the best too! Looking forward to reading all your other posts in the future.

  10. Nabilah;
    You are most welcome on my blog;at any time, like you, I am too eagerly awaiting for reading all the posts from you.
    Wishing you all the best………………………

  11. This post was definitely more thought-provoking and from reading the comments, there are many great experiences. After reading your post I had to do a little bit of thinking. Here goes. Prior to moving to Pennsylvania, I lived in Texas with my relatives but I had to move in middle school. It saddened me that we were leaving the only family we had to such a new place. Not only that, I had just formed a tight knit group of friends just as I began middle school and I had been chosen as the saxophone player in the school band, which I looked forward to. I hated living in Pennsylvania for quite a while, but thinking back, I now have a best friend with whom I have been friends with for 9 years, and I know that she is going to be a life-long friend of mine. I also grew to love the culture of this city and some of the people. On top of that, I love my job. Hence, from one mishap came many wonderful blessings.

    Now that I’ve said so much about me, I’d like to hear about your experiences 🙂 Thank you again for writing this post.

    • Stephanie;
      First of all, I am extremely sorry for the late reply of your this comment.
      Thanks a lot for your visit, reading and comment on this post. Do you know, How much I am happy to see your presence here. Yes, your each visit delight my joy ten folds.
      I am very happy to read that you have liked this post. I am extremely happy to read that you have related your story with this post.
      But only cause of concern for me; you told in your comment that
      “but thinking back, I now have a best friend with whom I have been friends with for 9 years, and I know that she is going to be a life-long friend of mine. I also grew to love the culture of this city and some of the people. On top of that, I love my job. Hence, from one mishap came many wonderful blessings”.
      No doubt, we are not very old friend but within very short period of time we have become more than good friends, so, like your that friend can’t you include me in your inner circle??????????
      Can’t you feel that we too can become life-long friends????????
      Glad to know that now you are enjoying city and your new job too.
      Eagerly awaiting your reply…
      Wishing you all the best………………

  12. Blessing in disguise – We often take life to be our enemy because we cannot see the bigger picture and the blessings life has en-stored for us every right and wrong that life throws at our path is leading us to that big picture ,life itself is our blessing in disguise .
    Great posts ,these idioms got me a whole new direction to think of . 🙂

    • First of all, I am extremely sorry for late reply of this comment.
      I am truly thankful to you for your visit,reading and comment on my this post.
      Do you know, how much I am happy to see your presence here, yes, frankly speaking your each visit with very thought-provoking, intelligent and very prudent comment makes me happy, I consider myself fortunate enough to found good friend like you.
      Regarding your comment, you are absolutely right we often take life as our enemy, instead of loving it more, we hate it more, instead of living in present we cry about the past, instead of the enjoying what we have in our hand, we cry about what we lost.
      So, when we see the things from the super conscious levels we feel that in fact universe is much more favorable to us than what we deserve. Yes, I truly agree with you “life in itself is blessing in disguise”.
      Once again congratulation for creating wonderful blog, I truly impressed with your blog style, theme selection, stunning images with very useful quotations.
      Keep it up the good work you are doing.
      Wishing you all the best………………….

    • Princess;
      First of all, I am extremely sorry for late reply to your comment.
      I am truly grateful to you for your visit, reading, comment and following my blog.
      To strengthen our very delicate yet very decent blogging friendship, I too have subscribed for your blog, I wish, by following each other’s blog and comment on it we will empower each other.
      Your comment is really thought-provoking, withing very few sentences you have said that what is the meaning of blessing in disguise. I am thoroughly impressed with your positive nature and great attitude, bullied at work for four long years and despite it still you don’t have any kind of bitterness, that’s the true spirit of fighter.
      You are really very inspirational person, and I am truly enjoying your company. Please keep coming.
      Wishing you all the best………………..

      Thanks for sharing this link, this is must read post for all.
      Some of the precious gems from this post in her words.
      “Look, I’d take losing my job over losing a loved one any damn day of the week. That’s a fact. Are things going to be tough financially….ABSOLUTELY. Do I have any idea what’s gonna happen…..ABSOLUTELY NOT. But what I do know is that everytime I’ve lost a job, something else has come along that has had a purpose in my life. I really believe everything happens for a reason. Maybe this is just God’s way of pushing me in a different direction that I would’nt have taken without this
      I’m rather tired of having the rug pulled out from under me, but looking back….some of the best things that have happened to me came out of something else falling apart. What’s that saying….Sometimes good things fall apart so BETTER things can come together?”
      Another must read post;
      Some of the precious gem from this post;
      “So I told her everything happens for a reason. Life is hard, but God is good. This much I am certain. Everytime I’ve questioned something that has happened, the answer has eventually come – I’ve just remained faithful and so I would this time as well”.
      “Now, I just trust that things will happen as they should and it might not all be good, but it will work out. I have faith, even in the thick of it that I’ll come out the other side”.
      “It’s just that I have finally arrived at a point in my life that is all about accommodating to realities, living a life worth living despite my limitations and appreciating so many ways in which I’ve “grown” only because of this illness. If it weren’t being trapped in my house and bound to my bed, I wouldn’t have realized how many of the little things I miss on a daily basis. Perhaps these are things that other people can appreciate without being sick and having so much time on their hands to roll things around in their brain, but for me, that’s what it took. For that, I’m actually very grateful”.

      GOD BLESS YOU…………………………………

  13. First of all, thank you for commenting on my first blog post 🙂

    For me, I think a blessing in disguise is actually what is going on in my life right now..

    I started university in a small town and it was great at first, because I got a lot of unexpected help from friendly strangers and did not doubt a thing. But of course, it was too good to be true, Those people ended up stabbing me in the back and pretty much made my experience horrible, so horrible that I decided to quit university here and take a 5 month break before going to university somewhere else.
    I don’t know yet how this is going to turn out, but I like to think of this as a blessing in disguise because in this period that I am taking off, I have more time to myself and do the things I love, one of which is blogging.

    If you are interested about my life experiences, you can visit
    I am trying to write more and live a happier life, away from stress and people who may cause it.

    Perhaps it may be helpful to others who are also in stressful situations and trying to find peace 🙂

    Very nice blog by the way!

    • Natasha;
      First of all thanks a lot for your visit,reading and comment on my this post, I too did the same and not only that, I have subscribed for your blog too, if you do the same I will be grateful to you.
      Now, regarding your comment.
      Your comment is as charming,cute, sweet, lovely, wonderful, dynamic, vibrant and colorful as your overall personality, yes, I have checked your gravatar profile, I have read your some of the posts and believe me you are super cool person, anybody can die and cry for having such a wonderful person as a friend in his/her life.
      After going through your comment two reactions came in my mind;
      SAD & GLAD
      Sad; why such a good,noble & humble person suffers most?????, that is the question came in my mind.
      Glad; GOD gives difficulties to those only who have power to overcome it, so, thank GOD that he has completely trust in your abilities and fighting spirit.
      The purpose of this?
      Years from now, I want to look back and remember that despite all the self-doubt I had and all the obstacles in my way, I managed to overcome every single challenge life threw at me.
      This message is also meant for anyone who has struggled or is currently struggling to chase their dreams.
      Wishing you all the best…………………..

      • I have subscribed to you as well 🙂
        I really appreciate the fact that you take your time to leave such meaningful comments and responses!
        Looking forward to reading your posts in the future.

      • Natasha;
        First of all thanks a lot for subscription of my blog.
        Regarding your comment, yes, I always like to connect with wonderful people like you, because, for me blogging is all about meaningful communication, by the way, I am thoroughly impress with your writing, at a very tender,delicate and young age it has depth and maturity, by the how the life is going on??????????????
        Wishing you all the best……………..

  14. I heard a whisper yesterday just prior to receiving the invitation to this blog. I rushed and grabbed a pen & paper to jot down what perceived to be a new inspiration. Today I thought I would I would have a chance to edit it, then it down on me it was meant to be just as it is.
    “We are moved by compassion
    Touched by kindness
    Hope through love
    Wounded by deception
    And, transformed through tragedy. ”
    In sum: “All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
    Sometimes it is hard to comprehend the dark waves which befall our path. How do we deal with the unexpected? The disappointments? The failures? The pain?And so on…Yes, there are days when even with the most compelling faith, we may not have the strength or the will to carry on. But when and if we look we will inevitably realize He pulled us through in the past, and since He is the same yesterday, today, & forevermore, He is more than able to do it again. He pulled Joseph from the dungeons,, &raised him up to become the second chief in command to Pharaohs. He too took Moses from a royalty walk, stirred his life upside dowdown, in order to get Moses full attention, for he was the chosen tool/prophet He intended to use to deliver His chosen people from slavery. Lastly after David was anointed to become king in replacement of Saul, did not David spent years running. & hiding for his life, due to Saul’s jealousy? And did not the Lord kept His word when he revenge David & made him king over His people? I mentioned these examples in hope to reinforce God’s faithfulness to His word, His promise, lastly to His children. So when He says” All things work together for good…” It means just that. Not some, not half, but all things. I’m a firm believer that there some of us called for certain tasks or destiny from God, which would probably run the opposite direction fRom God;yet He must make we are constantly in training for that appointed time. Which requires him to shift our lives, our career, relationship, friendship…. while all along we’ve been at the potter’s house, as moulds us, and shape us for His purpose & glory. Painful? Yes. But when we finally look back, aren’t we always so grateful! I know I’m with my stubborn self.
    Kind regards to all.
    My apology for any error, I’m writing from my phone. My internet is not working.

    • NADEGE;
      First of all, sorry for the late reply of this comment.
      I am extremely grateful to you for your visit,reading,comment and subscription for my blog.
      Your above comment is as wondeful, thoughtful, lively, unique and interesting as your blog post.
      “We are moved by compassion
      Touched by kindness
      Hope through love
      Wounded by deception
      And, transformed through tragedy. ”
      I am completely agree with your above as other remark in this comment, some of them are:
      “He says” All things work together for good…” It means just that. Not some, not half, but all things. I’m a firm believer that there some of us called for certain tasks or destiny from God, which would probably run the opposite direction fRom God;yet He must make we are constantly in training for that appointed time. Which requires him to shift our lives, our career, relationship, friendship…. while all along we’ve been at the potter’s house, as moulds us, and shape us for His purpose & glory. Painful? Yes. But when we finally look back, aren’t we always so grateful! I know I’m with my stubborn self”
      GOD BLESS YOU…..

      • Thank you swajithkas, My apology for the errors. I was writing from my phone. Today, I had to force myself to read my own message as a source of inspiration. “Lord, give me enough strength to make it through this day.” Was my heartfelt prayer. For I’m in a furnace, like gold being purified. So your original message from your post proved to be a great source of inspiration for me. Thank you.

      • There is no error at all, your writing is as pure as your heart, I don’t find any errors in it, In fact, I must be thankful to you for your time, energy and effort for writing such a wonderful comment. Yes, you are in furnace, because, each process of furnace, makes that gold more and more precious, priceless and valuable that entire world wants to have a share of it.
        Any way, I think due to grace of GOD withing very shore time we have become best blogging friends and I wish throughout our blogging life we will try to remain as loyal,co-operative, cordial and supportive to each other as much possible.
        Wishing you all the best…………………

  15. Swajithkas, thank you for your wonderful post and the reminder to review what we believe to have been our misfortune, and find the treasure in it. This perspective is always available, but often overlooked. I believe as God sends us forth into the world, we have soul assignments to which we eagerly agreed. They may include suffering, loss, struggle and tragedy, but all for the positive refinement of our soul, so that we can return to God with joy, having achieved what was intended. It is not so easy to see the plan, and difficult to endure, but trusting that all is well helps the journey be grace-filled.

    • First of all, I am extremely sorry for the late reply of your comment.
      I am truly grateful to you for your visit,reading, comment and subscription for my blog, I too subscribed for your blog.
      Your comment is as thoughtful,considerate and true as your own powerful yet pleasing personality.
      Yes, you are absolutely right, GOD sends us forth into the world with some specific purpose, many a times, we may not realize that whatever is happened to us, happening to us and will happen to us is nothing else but a small part of the larger scheme in the life and whenever we surrender our self with much joy, complete consent and willingness we realize that how much we are now in harmony with this universe, but believe me, most of us, ignore this and instead of enjoying the pleasure of moments we just cry and shout about the situations and circumstances which are beyond our control; some wise man said, it is not situation or circumstances but it is how you react or respond to the situation or circumstances will determine the outcome of the event.
      Any way, it is pleasant experience to have a good friend like you.
      Wishing you all the best…………….

  16. Hey, Emma Kidd here 🙂
    Like i promised you earlier, I finally got the time to come and check out your blog!
    I promised i wouldn’t let ya down!
    So.. I guess the topic that is chosen is “A Blessing In Disguise”. So here it is…
    Back in February, I started dating this guy who was older than me buy 3 or 4 years. I didn’t really know much about him until after he broke up with me in an “Asshole” way… excuse my language please. About a month went by and i started hearing things about him like him being on probation until he is 21 and him getting into a whole lot of trouble with the law. He was a troubled guy… he had a reading disorder which wasn’t a really big deal for me but I’m glad that we broke up, because that could’ve been me getting into some trouble with the law too. My blessing in disguise was a heart break with a guy that i thought i was in love with.

    Hope you didn’t think i forgot about you…. I’ve just had a really busy day.. 🙂

    • Emma;
      I am extremely sorry for the late reply to your this wonderful comment.
      First of all, I am thankful for your visit,reading,comment and subscription of my blog.
      I am extremely sorry to hear about your very sad story, but, if you see the brighter side of the entire event, which you were unable to see when you were in relationship, you will realized that whatever happened it happened for some good reason only, and don’t you think you have survived through some bigger troubled of future, because, still, you are very young, talented and very humble person, easily you will find someone who will treat you like a lovely princess, so, yes, it is truly blessing in disguise for you.
      Wishing you all the best……………………

  17. I married my high school sweetheart and was into an abusive marriage from the beginning. I stayed married for 15 years and was both mentally and physically abused and about half way into the marriage my husband became a drug addict and the abuse became worse and our finances suffered tremendously we lost everything. My husband began having panic attacks in addition to all the bad behavior above…so why might you ask am I sharing this story. Throughout all of this pain and suffering there were good times and memories, I had two beautiful children and in addition to that I really learned how to cope with unstable individuals and it is only through this trauma that I have learned to have the patience that allows me to be successful in my career. So after all of that and learning that my children actually have an older half-sister, (learned that 12 years after my divorce – some secrets are kept pretty well) I must say I have my ex-husband to thank for being the person that I am today!!!! Blessing in Disguise? I say YES!!!!

    • First of all thanks a lot for your visit,reading,comment and subscription of my blog.
      I am very much grateful to you for your this wonderful friendly gesture.
      I am extremely sorry to hear your story.
      Believe me out of above all the comment, your comment is much more painful and tragic, you have gone through a lot in your life, you have suffered every kind of pain mentally and physically, but in spite of all these pain and grief you are going like a tough fighter, your each and every word reflects your spirit, your true spirit, your inner self is very solid and it keeps you going and when I visited your blog, when I read your funny yet thoughtful posts, I cannot imagine that in spite of this much suffering you are living like a warrior, yes, your spirit, your attitude is true testimonial of your true character, and remember GOD gives pain and suffering to only those who have capacity to load it, so, consider yourself fortunate that GOD has completer trust and faith on you, that no matter how much going gets tough but you will sail your ship safely in spite of storm and thunderstorm, because, you are beach girl and beach girl never frighten by storm and thunderstorms, instead of it they play with it, so, play with it, you will enjoy it and along the way you will find some good companion who helps to each and every step of it that journey.
      Please keep coming. Your live presence makes this blog more dynamic, vibrant, colorful and lively.
      Wishing you all the best……….

  18. Wow. Such a nice post. And thanks for inviting me to it. My blessing in disguise is this: At one point in my life I was in school, a single mom, taking care of three children and without a job. I was living temporarily with my child’s father and we weren’t together. He had decided to give up the place, moved out and allowed the lights to be turned off. So my children and i were in an apartment with no lights bathing in cold water. So I had applied for public housing which they told me that I needed a job if I was to get a place. There was an opening where my mother worked. And her boss just happened to be a former classmate of mine. He gave me a job. And that job led to me getting a place for my children and I to stay. And this all happened in one day.

    • Erica;
      First of all I am extremely sorry for late response of your this comment.
      I am truly grateful to you for your visit,reading,comment and subscription of my blog.
      I am extremely sorry to hear your very tragic story, believe me whenever I read story like this the first question comes in my mind why good people suffers most, I can easily understand your past situation, three kids, no shelter, no money, not single shoulder for crying, not a single chest to lean on, where to go? What to do? How to do? these are the serious questions breaks you internally and externally, you want to cry but you can not, you want to quit but you can, yes, each and every organ of your body and each and every shell of your mind shouting and simply asking only one question, why me???????why me ony???? yes, these are the few questions everyday you have deal with without losing the focus of satisfying day to day requirements, needs and wants.
      Yes, Erica, I can easily understand how much suffering, how much pain, how much grief you have gone through.
      But, out of all these pain, if you see some bright side, the first one, always remember God gives us the pain as per our capacity only, yes, God had and still have complete faith on your fighting sprite, that’s why he has thrown you in this situation, because, he wants to make you much stronger, much more solid, much more sound internally and externally, so, yes, it is indeed in true sense blessing in disguise for you, now, passing through all these troubles and tragedies you have become much more smart and solid, the lessons learned through this struggles made you like a pure gold so that gold can pass through any test and come out successful, so, now you have gain complete command over the situation & circumstances, slowly but very steadily start to uplift from here, start everyday like a new beginning of life, begin each day with new hope and new faith in mind, change your entire mindset, bury all your past worries, tensions and bad memories, and if possible start to spend some time especially in morning with yourself and visit any natural place and if possible start to meditate, believe me, if you manage your morning properly, withing very few days, you will see that entire life is going to be transformed, start to follow this very simple yet solid techniques and see the miracles will start to happen in your life.
      On behalf of you I will pray to dearest lord to have a mercy on you, and I wish, within few days only you will see the difference.
      Wishing you all the best……………….

      • Swajithkas, that happened to me years ago. I am very much a different person now. And I give glory and thanks to God Almighty for allowing mento go through that time so He could prove Himself mighty in my life. I wake daily to first and foremost, give Him praise. I’m very full aware of His mercy, grace and favor in my life. And my meditation is on His Word. My meditation is on the person of Jesus Christ. I AM truly blessed beyond measure. And I’m very grateful for all God has done, is doing and gonna do. I give Him the highest praise. The victories I have over any trials are because of Him. And they pertain to nothing that I can ever do myself. Praise God. It’s always a pleasure to meet new people. God bless you Swajithkas.

        Numbers 6:24-26 KJV
        The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: [25] The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: [26] The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

      • Erica;
        Thanks a lot for your visit, I truly enjoying your company, you are wonderful person.
        Please keep coming.
        Wishing you all the best………….

      • Swajithkas, in all my life, I honestly don’t ever believe I have ever asked the Lord “why me?”. Because through His mercy, grace, and favor, He has revealed why in His Word. The Bible says that we were created for God’s glory. A lot of people ask why tragic things happen to good people. And there are I’m sure many reasons why. But the main reason is so God can show Himself mighty in our lives. If we never had anything bad happen, if we only had good happen, then there would have been no need for Jesus to come live, die and rise again. But we needed that to happen so that we could be restored to rightful fellowship and communion with God, our Father. And it’s that fellowship and connection to Him that makes everyday new.

      • Erica;
        Thanks a lot for your visit and clarifying many things, I truly appreciate your spirite because, after going through this much still your attitude is live example for many of us, there are many people who with the smallest even difficulties becomes the victim of nervous break down and depression but the other side of life there are many brave, courageous and fighter person like you who always defeat the difficulties.
        Please keep coming your visit makes me happy.
        Wishing you all the best…………………

  19. How fun!

    A regular one that happens to me quite a lot is unexpected delays! They always pop up and whereas before I would have been frustrated at these moments I now snap up every second to find stillness and to be at peace with myself, harvesting calmness. This really helps with the next leg of the journey 😀

    Another BLESSING IN DISGUISE has come from my poor health. If I hadn’t experienced such bodily malfunction it would not have pushed me to find a solution, I now have the solution, it is just working hard enough at it to fully heal myself! Big Thanks to all the writers / Doctors who have supplied correct information on the internet gifting guidance to the wandering seeker of nutritional health.

    What a cool post. I will come back and read everyone’s replies just as soon as I get the time to 🙂

    • Living Love;
      What a wonderful, sweet, simple, cute, charming and lovely name!!!!!!!!!
      First of all, I am extremely sorry for the late response to your this comment, I think, living love will forgive me regarding my this inconvenience.
      Thanks a lot for your visit,reading,comment and subscription of my blog.
      Your comment is as sweet and as lovely as your overall personality, I am glad to know that you liked this post very much, it gives me immense pleasure when someone of your class,caliber and intellectual level appreciate my work, but, frankly speaking, I don’t deserve all these credit, because, through out my blogging life good friends, well wisher and regular yet very loyal readers have encouraged me to do the best, so, ultimately credit goes to the good people like you.
      In you comment you have mention
      “Another BLESSING IN DISGUISE has come from my poor health. If I hadn’t experienced such bodily malfunction it would not have pushed me to find a solution, I now have the solution, it is just working hard enough at it to fully heal myself! Big Thanks to all the writers / Doctors who have supplied correct information on the internet gifting guidance to the wandering seeker of nutritional health”.
      What kind of bodily malfunctioned you had or still having? Is it very much serious? If it is how you are managing it?
      But, out of all I like your attitude, you clearly mentioned that it is just working hard enough it to fully heal myself, but the way you are working hard so I don’t think it will take too much time, and you know many a times there are many things and mattes in our life, upon which we hardly have any control over it, so, during that time it is not situations and circumstances but our response or reactions towards situations and circumstances makes major difference, you seems very lively, lovely,positive minded and fun going person, so, for the person like you it is not that much difficult, than also on behalf of you, I pray to GOD to heal you as early as possible, I wish, GOD will listen my pray.
      By the way, please keep coming, your presence makes me happy! Congratulation for 1000 happy and satisfied followers.
      Wishing you all the best…..

      • Hi, You are very kind with your words they making me blush now! Thank You sincerely.
        You boom out beauty with your attitude and personality and the wit, my oh my, that would drive any one to smile. Your essence has the most wonderful way of speaking through text, it is very enchanting and merry! 😀 What a lovely friend.
        My issues are my bubbling bowels if you care to know my dear and yes it is very serious but it’s okay trust I got this! Really I do. I have always been a rebel and true to it, a rebel unto thine own self too! Therefore I have a wicked way of making matters worse in the impulsive moment of trying to make things better. It’s an urrrghy situation and it is within my power to heal, I got the big man with me. I love my family and friends so much, so much and I would love to be there for them always whenever they need me, whenever, wherever, always.
        I can. I will.
        Thank You for your prayers, I have a meeting now but it is absolutely the greatest pleasure to meet you.
        All the best!!!!!!!
        Love & Light

        LivingLove xx

  20. I lost a job. But I knew on day one it wasn’t for me. Heck, I knew when I interviewed. But when I lost it, it made me realize what I needed to do differently. I am a much better employee than I might have been had that experience not happened.

    • First of all, I am extremely sorry for the late response to your this very thoughtful comment.
      Thanks a lot for your visit,reading,comment on this post.
      Your comment is very much though provoking and timely, now a days, it has become fashion that whenever anything bad happens to us,or result goes out of our expectations, we immediately try to or start to blame others, but, still there are some genuine person existing in this planet who instead of blaming others tries to find out what best outcome has came from the entire event, and that is the true and correct way to live life, because, how many person we can blame in our life, so, it is always good to change our self instead of try to improvise others and you are doing it effortlessly, and as you told you have become better employee now, so, ultimately it is the victory of your attitude, because, you let go the past that’s why you became mentally and physically prepared for the future, and that is the wise course of action, so, whenever we find our self in this kind of situations and circumstances, we have to implement it without moments delay, AM I RIGHT??????????????????
      Please keep coming, your visit, well-articulate comment adds the beauty of this blog.
      Wishing you all the best…………………

  21. I have learnt that the problems one encounters in life are all opportunities to learn more about myself and to grow into the person I want to be. The people who have created the most problems in my life I now recognise as my greatest teachers and I honour them for being with me. I think the whole of life is a blessing in disguise, because we tend to think life is a struggle but the struggle brings out the best in us usually. Without our problems we would be weak and indulgent, but with them we have a chance to become magnificent. An icon of make the best of your struggles to me is one of the late leaders of my country, Nelson Mandela. He just shows us that your problems can be your greatest blessings.
    Have a great day my friend!

    • Netta:
      First of all please forgive me for the late response of your this very thoughtful comment.
      Thanks a lot for your visit, reading,comment and subscription of my blog.
      Your comment is as good, as though-provoking, as considerate as your well-written posts of your blog.
      I am truly agree with your thinking process, yes, we change our mind set little bit and instead of looking to the problems as a problems and try to be friend with them, they teach us so many things,which we may not learn from our real friends.
      Yes, each struggles, each hardship, each obstacles, each adversity mold us a much more better, brilliant, solid, strong, because, the true treasure we find during the time of crisis only because it is the crisis only tastes us that how much capacity, how much tolerance power, how much sustainability, how much fighting spirit we have and for the people like you there is always one role model like NELSON MANDELLA, who spends most valuable and best years of his life in prison and in spite of all these hardship at last he came out as a winner, so, it is live example for all of us, because, as human being he can endure this much pain without having a single complain can’t be bear the minimum amount of pain in our life.
      Please keep coming, it is always enjoyable experience to talk with you, your sweet language, mile manners, easy going nature and most humble way to deal with the matter are few qualities I appreciate about you.
      Wishing you all the best………………

    • Himali;
      First of all thanks a lot for your visit,reading and comment on this post.
      I am extremely thankful to you for your this wonderful friendly gesture.
      It gives me immense pleasure that you have like this post, please keep coming your presence creates liveliness on this blog.
      Wishing you all the best…………..

  22. I lost some one in my early teens.. I was so much broke then. But then, over the years the hurt made me so much mature that I am more than thankful to God for that pain..

    • Himali;
      First of all thanks a lot for your visit,reading and comment on this post.
      I am extremely sorry to hear about your loss, but you see there are many matters in our life which is far beyond of our imagination and control in that situation and circumstances we have to left it on the almighty GOD only and believe me we don’t know how much merciful he is for us, so, whatever he does he does with some specific reasons only but it is our pre-maturity which doesn’t understand it at a time.
      Wishing you all the best…………….

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